NYC Garden Designers and Landscape Contractors Drip Irrigation Company NewYorkPlantings!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

OK, Im going to begin writing about gardening in Manhattan for a living

As someone who designs and builds rooftop gardens, Townhouse landscapes, installs irrigation systems, landscape lighting, and several other related tasks every day, all day in Manhattan and surrounding boroughs I think it is time to begin writing about them.

Rather than run down a list of all the services we provide I would rather describe the anatomy of our landscape projects and our NYC rooftop garden design/build projects and allow these things to come to light. Several reasons motivate my blogging and hopefully, it will become clear if I collect a readership or interested passers-by.

What I intend to do is bring to light some interesting and little known aspects of the Urban Gardener's daily life as well as impart some of the things that I have learned about running a landscape design and construction company based in NYC.

You can see our daily work photos that speak volumes more than a blog can on our google plus page for NY Plantings or of course on the website.

I just want to see if for now, this thing works and I'm not wasting my time.

Thanks for looking and if you have any specific rooftop gardening or even traditional landscape questions please feel free to contact me.

Todd Nappi at New York Plantings Garden Designers and Irrigation.
NYC baby!

1 comment:

  1. Your working environment couldn't be farther removed from my own leafy Scottish idyll so I will await your future blog posts with interest. I've been to NYC once and I look forward to returning one day. I do struggle to imagine what it must be like to operate a gardening & landscaping business in such an urban setting. I await your updates.


We at New York Plantings Landscape Contacting appreciate your polite support and feedback. Authors of our blogs are good people who have taken the time out of their busy lives to help write about their passion for NYC Garden design and installing drip irrigation systems for some of the finest penthouse terrace gardens, townhouse rear yards and other fine outdoor spaces on the city.Enthusiasm for landscape design, experience with Rooftop gardens, custom carpentry, stone work or just helping to support our company...New York Plantings Garden designers, Irrigation and Landscape construction.